What I really need is a "record" button on my dashboard, because god damn I say some really neat things while driving. Today, for example, I had a great discussion with myself about why a 19 year old and a 15 year old would have issues dating, and how there are some passions for which there are no real jobs, among other things (this was of course in between bouts of being terrified of the night and rain at the same time...the government REALLY needs to give someone a job fixing the streetlights on my highway). If I had a record button, i could've put the whole thing on here as the equivalent of a podcast.
Instead, there's this sorry few paragraphs explaining that I really haven't thought about anything good to talk about as a blog post for a good week now. Even this little entry is going to be (or rather, should be) cut short by the fact that I should be studying for a test tomorrow, whether I'm confident or not. Either way, it feels weird not to have written anything in a while, but I've dipped into one of those awful stretches of time where nothing comes out. There's nothing going on creatively in my head. I predict that it'll be brief, but it's still pretty annoying.
Generally, though, when it comes to blogging, I try to stay off of a few subjects. Feeling lonely or something? Yeah, I try to stay away from it. About a girl? Yeah no, that'd be silly. I've been there. More rants about college/daily life? Eh, only if something sticks out and I can form an argument around it. Fetishy/sexy time? As much as I could give you empassioned speeches about all of that stuff, yeah, it's not all that appropriate here.
It's certainly not the case that I'm just not thinking about topics, heavens no as we saw above, it's just that sometimes I don't develop them enough to write about them, or I don't feel like writing about it, or it's just not timely. I've been wanting to write about the evolution and history of my written journal and how slow I've been at updating it, which is a good topic, but since I thought of it this weekend, I just haven't found the time to sit down and put it all together. I actually did a fair job of keeping myself busy this past weekend, and that was cool. Only one more day of school this week and then it's Thanksgiving break...which reminds me of another post I wanted to write about a status update someone made about Christmas decorations. So it's not about a lack of ideas sometimes....usually the reason for a break in the new posts is about a) me forgetting the topic by the time I'm actually in the mood to write something, b) me jerking off and not putting it all together in my free time or c) and this affects both a and b, something school-related is clouding my mind and halting all productive activity whatsoever.
So now that I've offered about fifty explanations about why I haven't done anything, I'm going to leave it there. I'll get down to writing some stuff when school's over tomorrow...of course, I have a bunch of papers and speeches and crap due after break...
*- actually, I had a blog post ready last monday, but I decided I wanted another person to look at it before I posted it and....basically we started chatting about other (very pleasant in fact) things and I never got it finished...so the gap between updates looks smaller to me than it does to you. If you're curious, it was another post about Harry Potter.
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