
Monday, October 3, 2011

Station of Contact

A Kingdom Hearts style monologue (sounds like a good game opener):

My heart...

I can feel something...someone...reaching out to my heart.

It's been a long time since I've been here.  Things have changed, haven't they?  I could use a broom, huh?

But why, then?  Why am I here?  Something's called me back, right?  I don't think I've done anything different must be that contact.

I know this feeling.  This is some kind of challenge, isn't it?  My heart will move away from me, and I must choose whether or not I will follow its beckoning.  Seems like so many worlds came crashing down the last time this happened though.   Still, if my heart's started to move...maybe this time it's real.  It's been a long time since something like this has hit me...a long time indeed.  I'd begun to believe the light in my heart had been dimmed forever.  Now I see that it is, at very least, still there.

Hehe, jeez, it's cold in here...when did that happen?  Already that time again, I guess.  Guess it's kind of a good thing I have that light now, huh?  It's kinda nice actually.  It seems like it's been so long...I've almost forgotten, I think.  Maybe I should follow it, although there doesn't seem to be anything beyond here.

Nah, I've got to stay here for a little while.  I gotta make sure this light doesn't go out.  If it gets bigger, maybe I'll be able to see where it's trying to go at least...and maybe it'll lead me to whatever caused it to bring me here in the first place.  Boy, that'd be easy.  Well, if I can have faith in one thing, it'd be this: it's just not going to be that simple.  Ah well, this sure isn't bad, so it's gotta be at least halfway decent. 

I'd sure like to know where my hear thinks its gonna go...I'm not about to believe that there's a...y'know, person on the other end of it.  That'd be something...imagine, another person's heart actually making contact with mine...that don't happen too often.  Haha, yeah, we'll just see if this light goes out or not.

Either Way, sure as hell beats the darkness.

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